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Tutorial Hijab Pashmina For Formal Events

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When they wanted to go visit a formal event or an official, the clothes we wear was certainly must be authorized and tidy, including style or model of hijab.

Style or model hijab applied for formal events actually not much different from the style of hijab that we wear when going to a party. However, perhaps for a formal event that not too much so as to seem more polite.

Well, for those of you who always feel confused in choosing the style or model of hijab for a formal event, then as a reference, you can apply the hijab tutorial that we present this time.

Materials needed

1 piece hijab pashmina

You can select or use a pashmina hijab in accordance with the dress that you will use when you want to visit a formal event.

1 piece hijab Morocco

Choose hijab Morocco with a dark color or in accordance with the hijab pashmina you choose, but it does not have a single color. You need to know, Morocco hijab is used to coat your hair to keep it out, so you will still look neat even though the use of the hijab all day.

Some pieces of a pin

Langkah tutorial hijab pashminaC

First download the Moroccan veil that you have prepared. Apply or wear hijab Morocco is on your head with a comfortable and neat as possible.

After that, take a pashmina hijab who will wear. Apply or put one end of the pashmina hijab in your head just to the right by the end of the hijab is in the head to the left.

 Put the directions slightly oblique. Then take a pin, tape the ends of the hijab by using a pin that can not be separated.

Then, pull the hijab is located on the right to back left. Then take a pin, and apply it on the hijab pins just right cheek.

Lift the end of the hijab that was left was upstairs and put on your head with a slightly oblique direction.

 Then take a pin, and tape the ends of the hijab by using a pin.
Next, lift the veil that is in the back up, put on your head so that the position accumulate and cover the end of the hijab. Then take a back pin, apply the proper hijab on the right side.

Take part hijab flowing on the left, and drag it to the right. Glue the ends of the hijab by using a pin on the right side. After that, you can directly smoothed.

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